PS Profi s.r.o. - Potápěčské práce


Profile of the company

PS PROFI s.r.o.  is a development and implementation company. It was founded in 2001 and has taken over most of the activities of the original company Jaroslav Knotek, which has been on the Czech market since 1990. 


PS PROFI s.r.o. offers work in the area of special services for hydro-engineering structures with its own dive team for carrying out special work and repairs in flooded areas, including consultancy, training and comprehensive deliveries. Our company pays attention to environmental protection, uses ecological techniques, materials and technologies. It places great emphasis on occupational health and safety.


PS PROFI s.r.o. provides services for larger and smaller private companies and state enterprises in the Czech Republic. The company carries out projects on foreign markets. In northern Iraq they are undertaken through its own CREA Company founded in Iraq.


PS PROFI s.r.o. is one of the founder members of the cluster CREA Hydro&Energy, z.s. 


PS PROFI s.r.o. carries out projects in northern Iraq through the CREA Company founded in Iraq and owned by Jaroslav Knotek. The completed projects include, e.g., the design of the Bawanur dam and an irrigation system, monitoring equipment for Dokan and Darbandikhan dams, and provision of consultation services in construction of new dams.

PS PROFI s.r.o. is a collective member of the Czech National Committee on Large Dams. 

Všechna práva vyhrazena © 2025 PS PROFI S.R.O., TRAUBOVA 1546/6, 602 00 BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC