PS Profi s.r.o. - Potápěčské práce


Sediment removal

Contract Customer Realization
Aquas vodní díla s.r.o. 2020
VD Brno - Removal of fluvial sediments from the bottom (300 m3) ČEZ Energetické služby, s.r.o. 2017
VD Velký rybník - Removal of fluvial sediments from the bottom (287 m3) PORR a.s. 2017
VD Větřkovice 2017
Riverport Chvaletice - removal of sediments under the ship lift (1600 m3) using filter bags B.G.M. Capital, a.s. 2016
Kamencové jezero (Alum Lake) - removal of sediments from the bottom using filter bags, laying of a geotextile underwater, laying of gravel Statutární město Chomutov 2016
VD Semtín - sediment removal Povodí Labe, s.p. 2014
VD Mšeno - sediment removal (6500 m3) Povodí Labe, s.p. 2012
VD Mlýnice - sediment removal Povodí Labe, s.p. 2012
VD Pařížov - Cleaning of trash racks Povodí Labe, s.p. 2010
VD Labská - Excavation of fluvial sediments (200 m3) Povodí Labe, s.p. 2009
VD Křižanovice - Excavation of fluvial sediments (about 300 m3) Povodí Labe, s.p. 2007
VD Bílá Třemešná - Excavation of fluvial sediments (550 m3) E.ON a.s. 2007
VD Znojmo - Cleaning of fluvial sediments in front of inlets to power plant and in front of outlets ROVINA a.s. 2006
VD Ludkovice - Cleaning of fluvial sediments in front of bottom intakes, gating of intakes Imos Restav s.r.o. 2005
Stříbrný creek - sediment removal Povodí Labe, s.p. 2003
VE Kroměříž - Cleaning of by-pass outlet ENERGO-PRO a.s. 1997, 2000
VD Bílá Třem. - Cleaning of sediments in front of bottom intake and in front of left diversion tunel Povodí Labe, s.p. 1996, 2004, 2005
Port Chvaletice - Cleaning of sediments beneath boat lift ČSPL a.s. 1994,1996
Weir Týnec nad Labem - Cleaning of cubicles for connecting rods Povodí Labe, s.p. 1994 - 2004
VD Křižanovice - Cleaning of sediments in front of bottom intake (500 m3) Povodí Labe, s.p. 1994
VD Kníničky - Cleaning of trash racks from fluvial sediments (80 m3) Povodí Moravy, s.p. 1993
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